Find the best Web Host You want to launch a new business online????. Lets go over a few things that are very important to make sure the site runs smoothly. A good domai n will go a long way. Research, research, and research! A good name is one that people will remember. Next you will need a reliable payment processing platform if you're selling anything or receiving payments. And finally great web hosting is required . Great web hosting, more than anything, will ultimately determine if people come back to your site or not. Your site must always be up and running 100% of the time or you lose money! When choosing a web host, do your research! There are specific components to a great hosting company that you will need to know of. Great hosts do not make extravagant claims about not using tons of bandwidth. Always look for a guarantee. If a company promises you 100% uptime, beware. That is virtually impossible. 99.9% maybe! Watch...